Organize Your Panel in ODSIE 2024



It is our sincere pleasure to invite the interested specialists and scholars to organize and manage a panel at the ODSIE 2024.

Undoubtedly, your collaboration as a panel chair will enrich these conferences.

Each panel has the following features:

  1. It includes at least 5 papers with related topics and there is no limitation on more papers;
  2. Although the papers of each panel are usually invited by the panel chair, the other submitted papers may also be included in the panel
  3. We will design a special poster for your panel to help you introduce your panel more effectively to your contacts, students, and colleagues, as well as on your social networks like WhatsApp or LinkedIn.

Benefits for the panel chairs include:

  1. The panel chair can propose the best presentations for Springer and Journals;
  2. The panel chair can publish one paper free of charge and another paper with fifty percent discount;
  3. The panel chair will receive a certificate of participation as a panel chair in ODSIE 2024.

You are kindly invited to visit the conference website for more information about the conference organization, indexing journals, scientific sponsors, etc.

If you are going to propose a panel for ODSIE 2024, please send us your suggested title through [email protected] and please do not forget to mention "ODSIE 2024- Panel Suggestion" in the subject of your email.

As the organizer of scientific events, we have held some successful international conferences with great quality and the statistics show a considerable growing trend. Please check the following table:

Please visit the last year's scientific report of the conference through the following link:

Please do not hesitate to contact us through [email protected] if further information is required.